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Who do you think you are? The transformation of Geri Halliwell

Geri Halliwell Podcast episode

From her iconic Union Jack dress and Girl Power persona to her current all-white dress code and role as the “devoted wife”, today we are exploring the online reactions to Geri Halliwell’s transformation.

Has she really abandoned her working class roots by “marrying up”, or is this just part of growing up and evolving? And are commenters justified in questioning her authenticity and “girl power” values, based on rumours she may have ‘stolen’ her husband?

We also touch on what Saltburn has to say about class, and discuss the trend of roughing up your “backstory” to tap into mass appeal and acceptance as an artist.

Join us as we go straight to comments and discuss the complicated topic of class in the UK today.

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This series is produced by Emily Crosby Media.


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